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Our Response to Covid-19

Because of the fears surrounding the recent development of COVID-19 we have developed the following guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our patients and their families. For the time being please following the procedures below to ensure a safe and germ free environment. 


  1. If you are accompanying a patient please drop the patient off at the front and wait in your car. We will be closing our waiting room to limit the number of close contact interactions between patients. No non-patient friends or family should enter the office except for the patient who has a before hand scheduled appointment. Parents of minors are permitted to accompany their child.​

  2. only scheduled patients will be allowed in the back office areas.

  3. If you have fever, cough, chills, or even mind flu like symptoms please remain at home and call to reschedule your appointment. 

  4. Please wash your hands before and after your visit with us. We will be disinfecting all high touch point areas before, during, and after scheduled appointments to ensure a clean and safe environment for all of our patients.

  5. Follow all guidelines laid out by the CDC. Click here to learn more.


Thank you for your cooperation during this time. Help us to ensure a safe environment for you and fellow patients. 



Wasatch Foot and Ankle Institute

South Ogden:

945 Chambers Street Suite 3 

South Ogden, UT 84403 

Phone: 801-627-2122

Fax: 801-627-2125


473 W. Bourne Circle,  Suite 2  Farmington, UT 84025

Phone: 801-451-7500

Fax: 801-451-6966

Copyright © 2024 by Wasatch Foot & Ankle Institute. Proudly created and managed by Emerald Beacon

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